
Kudos and "Boo-dos"

Kudos to President Obama for thanking George Bush for his service to our country. That's not usually done during inauguration speeches, and Obama will pay a price in the blogosphere of the loony left-at least for a day or two. And I thought it was extra classy to walk him to his helicopter.

"Boo-dos" to the crowd that booed Bush when he got up to speak. You would think in victory, after all the help bush has given the incoming administration, people could at least show a little respect. But that's part and parcel of the last eight years. Makes me want to put one of those obnoxious bumper stickers on my car-remember all the 01-20-09 bumper stickers? But I refuse to stoop to that level and put a 01-20-13 bumper sticker on mine. But when I see people act like that I'd have to admit I'm tempted…

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