
Abortion Causes Global Warming

Abortion Causes Global Warming

It is a sad fact that if you could prove a link between abortion and global warming many more people would be a pro-life. We would no longer have to rely on science and compassion to prove our point. We would not need to take the time to explain the fact that the "fetus" has a distinct and unique set of DNA from the moment of conception. No more arguing about "viability"- nevermind the fact that viability moves up earlier and earlier as medical technology improves. All we have to do is point out that when Planned Parenthood incinerates the "nonviable tissue," they contribute to greenhouse gases.

Actually just think how much our collective carbon footprint could be shrunk just by closing all of those planned parenthood clinics! Maybe we should impose a new fall profits tax on them!

Yes this is pretty sardonic-but just count how many times today you see the word "green"-in the stores you go to, the websites you visit, in the advertisements you see and hear.


Anonymous said...

Interesting post on Planned Parenthood.

We have recently done an investigation of them I think you may want to check out our website at http://LiveActionFilms.org

-DRS, LiveActionFilms Media Manager

Isophorone said...

I once made a crack about abortion being linked to global warming because of the chemicals that must be used. Of course, people stared at me in shock, and I had to explain that this was a form of radical humor. However, I am glad you have made this point also. Then again, the left would find a way to carve out a "necessary exception" for abortions.