
"It is Finished!"

After approximately 630 hours of class time, 288 hours out of the country, and 252 hours meeting with my study group I am finished with my studies. I am now a holder of a Masters in Technology Management from George Mason University.

As I was walking to accept my diploma you'll notice I am grinning from ear to ear at the thought of being able to spend time with my wonderful family and friends again. Thanks to all of you, especially my wife Shari, for all of your support over the last 18 months.

If for some crazy reason you would like to order a picture for yourself go to http://www.gradimages.com and type in customer number 743517. The other picture of me is goofy though so don't pick that one :)


Anonymous said...

Congrats. You're a good man Charlie Brown.


Isophorone said...

Congraduations! I hope it results in a massive increase in your remuneration.