
An O-pology

I recently made an embarrassing mistake I need to own up to, because I always hold other Christians accountable when they make this mistake. I passed on what I thought was a fact before checking it out.

As Christians we need to make sure something is true before we affirm it's so. For example, rumors that BO is a secret Muslim. My mistake was passing on that Obama had supported on allegedly communist candidate in Kenyan politics as alleged in Jerome Corsi's "Obama Nation". Special thanks to Brian for pointing out that the allegations are based on spurious evidence at best.

In researching this article however I did come across some great in-depth stories on Obama's history with other unsavory characters and organizations. While I don't believe in guilt by association, you have to wonder why so many radicals, from Reverend Wright to William Ayres, are so in love with Obama if he's the "uniter" he claims to be. He talks a moderate game, but when you look at his (albeit thin) voting record, and even his much touted history as a community organizer working with verifiably communist groups such as ACORN (see article below), you see that he is quite possibly the most leftist candidate to ever run for the office of President.

His refusal to support The Born Alive Infant Protection Act is just one example of what an ideologue he is. "Change" is a great slogan. But Obama doesn't offer anything new- just the same old socialist utopian ideas wrapped in slick marketing.

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