
TECHMAN Chronicles Part One-Alaska from the Air

Sunday, May 20-roughly 7 p.m. EST.

Many of you know that for the final part of my Technology Management program at George Mason I am traveling to Bangkok Thailand and Bangalore India. Incidentally one of the topics we will look at in Bangkok is the application of technology to help the poor, so even though this is strictly a secular trip perhaps it is in one sense a missions trip.

I had just finished watching the movie "The Pursuit of Happyness" with Will Smith and his son (incidentally named Jaden). It was a tearjerker showcasing the sacrifices a father made, both for financial success and for his son. Needless to say I was feeling rather homesick missing my family. It reminded me of how precious they are to me and how I want to cherish every second with them when I come back.

This past year and a half has been a sacrifice for my family especially my wife who has been unswervingly supportive of me being gone not only every Saturday but one to two nights per week, meeting with study groups and doing homework. This trip is the culmination of the program and then my family can have me back (if they will still have me!)

At this point we're only about half way through the 13 hour flight so I went to the back of the plane to stretch my legs. I noticed someone taking pictures out of one of the back windows of the plane. I looked out to check out the view since I was sitting in an aisle seat and had been oblivious to the scenery below. Stretched before my eyes was a panoramic view of the Alaska Mountains including beautiful blue glaciers. At this point we're going all most 600 mph at an altitude of 32,000 feet. We have flown roughly 3100 miles. These pictures don't even begin to do justice to the view but they will have to suffice for now.

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