
Townhall.com::Democrats fear Fred Thompson...and should::By Mark M. Alexander

Beyond the field of announced GOP candidates with questionable conservative pedigrees, there is a potential suitor on the horizon who could close the wide breach between Republicans and conservatives. Fred Thompson, the former Republican Senator from Tennessee, is perhaps America's brightest and most capable prospect for President in 2008.

Townhall.com::Democrats fear Fred Thompson...and should::By Mark M. Alexander

Townhall.com::The Essence of Liberalism: Embracing Life's Losers::By Michael Medved

Townhall.com::The Essence of Liberalism: Embracing Life's Losers::By Michael Medved: "What constitutes the essence of modern liberalism?
Conservatives will return to decisive victories only if we come to terms with liberalism’s visceral appeal. The best way to overcome our ideological adversaries is to understand their approach to major issues."

Townhall.com::Why Fred Thompson Should Run::By Mona Charen

Townhall.com::Why Fred Thompson Should Run::By Mona Charen


Voicemail Comedy from My Brother Jon (note-don't tell him he is on the Internet or he won't leave me any more funny voice mails)

Gabcast! TheoCon #8

Marketplace: EU like it's 1985


A report out today from a European commerce association says stacked against a number of yardsticks, the E.U. economy is decades behind the U.S.

Marketplace: EU like it's 1985