
Conservatives Really Are More Compassionate

Townhall.com::Conservatives Really Are More Compassionate::By George Will: "WASHINGTON -- Residents of Austin, Texas, home of the state's government and flagship university, have very refined social consciences, if they do say so themselves, and they do say so, speaking via bumper stickers. Don R. Willett, a justice of the state Supreme Court, has commuted behind bumpers proclaiming 'Better a Bleeding Heart Than None at All,' 'Practice Random Acts of Kindness and Senseless Beauty,' 'The Moral High Ground Is Built on Compassion,' 'Arms Are For Hugging,' 'Will Work (When the Jobs Come Back From India),' 'Jesus Is a Liberal,' 'God Wants Spiritual Fruits, Not Religious Nuts,' 'The Road to Hell Is Paved With Republicans,' 'Republicans Are People Too -- Mean, Selfish, Greedy People' and so on. But Willett thinks Austin subverts a stereotype: 'The belief that liberals care more about the poor may scratch a partisan or ideological itch, but the facts are hostile witnesses.'"


Faith, Race and Politics

KRLA 870 AM Intelligent. Conservative. Talk Radio: "Last Thursday evening I sat in the green room of the Hannity and Colmes show. It had already been a long week. I was thrilled to have an opportunity to point the nation to my new book Personal Faith, Public Policy. On the other hand, I was concerned about how black viewers would respond to my statements about Jeremiah Wright or Senator Obama. There has been an unspoken sentiment among blacks that we have to support Senator Obama at all costs."


KidZui's Parent Plan Lets Children Explore In Safe Corner of Web

Personal Technology - WSJ.com: "The Internet presents a real dilemma for parents with younger children. On the one hand, it's filled with fun and wholesome sites for kids, and lots of educational material. On the other, it teems with inappropriate content and potentially dangerous means of communicating with strangers."


Note to representative Steve King: shut your stinkin' trap!

When Republicans make comments like Iowa Representative Steve King did this week about Obama's middle name, all it does is play to the stereotype that Republicans are xenphobic racists. There are plenty of reasons not to vote for Barack Obama: what his middle name is is not one of them.


Obama's politics of surrender - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper

Obama's politics of surrender - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper: "One year ago, in the wake of the Democrats recapturing Congress, it was unimaginable that in 2008, Republicans (or for that matter, any American politicians) would be emphasizing military and political successes in Iraq. But thanks to the outstanding leadership of Gen. David Petraeus and the men and women who participated in the Iraq troop surge, things have changed quite dramatically. For now, their achievements sem to have sapped the MoveOn.org, anti-war- movement crowd of much of its political support and energy."